Home Scents, Home Sense, Home Cents

Curated by Kim Salabimbam & Damariz Rivera
Los Angeles, CA
Opening Reception: July 21st, 2017

Home Scents, Home Sense, Home Cents provides a personal look into the idea of home as place, feeling, and collection of souvenirs- a tool for relativity representing home as symbol of comfort. Much like the 1940 Disney classic, Fantasia, the works display a convergence of stories weaving identity and beliefs.

Home décor and design are used by various social classes, cultural and religious backgrounds to express ambitions and thought processes from scents to sense. The show is an interpretation of family and how families portray values through design and interaction.

Nikkolos Mohammed uses printmaking, multiples, and collecting to express the synchronization of people. In Home Scents, Home Sense, Home Cents, Mohammed questions the process of building comfort in the idea of home.

Through memories and rewards, there is a direct relationship between home and culture, thus creating and explaining one’s identity. Nikkolos Mohammed offers Home Scents, Home Sense, Home Cents as a temporary shelter to explore various values, to question perspectives, and to visualize one’s identity through the environment of home.

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